We have a history of the participation & direct sponsorship from our advertising clientele. With the combination of our distribution of our newspapers; and digital tv locations. This is rewarded in kindness, by way of gift cards/prizes that are donated by our sponsors.
By being active in the local community and to help support local businesses, we have a history of reward benefit programs that is an essential part of our clients’ success. The program allows for small; medium & large business owners that are contributing goods & services of self promotion in the community. The ability to try out local businesses & get a warm welcome home to the local community.
The process starts with a phone call, we have a brief phone conversation then setup a time to come & meet you. We offer a range of marketing solutions that can help you reach your target audience and increase your revenue.
We will explain in detail your options & what happens after you signup for one of our real estate advertising payment plans. We collect & measure; process the paperwork & schedule photographs & videos. Then we go back & custom create a marketing campaign specifically to highlight you in the local markets. BECAUSE we are the best in what we offer!